Welcome to our classroom blog

Working with technology and becoming media literate is a part of the curriculum so we've decided to start a classroom blog. Here you can keep up to date with the latest classroom news, upcoming class and school events and homework assignments.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Oh what a tangled web . . .

We have started our habitat unit in science. We have watched some clips about animal adaptations, as all animals have many things that help them adapt, to be able to live in their own habitats. Some animals have physical adaptations, and some animals perform behavioural adaptations. Below are some links to videos about animal adaptations.

Next week we will be focusing on the transfer of energy, food chains and food webs. Below are some links where you can create your own food chains and food webs:

carnivors, herbivors and producers in different habitats

for this one, just scroll down and click on "Create a Food Web"

Our Learning Goal is:

We will be able to understand how plants and animals live together in habitats and how human effect habitats.

The success criteria for this goal:
- we will be able to use appropriate vocabulary: (habitat, population, community, adaptation, food chain, food web, producer, consumer, decomposer, scavenger, carnivors, herbivors, omnivors and population capacity, endangered, extinction)
- we will be able to discuss adapatations that animals have to help them live in their habitats - both physical and behavioural
- we will be able to demonstrate and understanding of food chains and webs and how energy is transferred
- we will be able to describe ways that humans are dependent on natural habitats and how we effect them
- we will be able to use scientific inquiry and research skills to investigate positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats, including reasons for extinction

Tomorrow in math we will be having our measurement test on mass, volume and capacity. This was a straight forward unit and all seem to crasp the concepts very well. Next week will be the re-test for the division test that has been sent home to be signed. Next, we will be looking at probability.

Remember to practice your multiplication tables at home!

In language, we have started Literature Circles and the novels for discussion in the groups have been assigned and given out. Students will be reading these books for the next 3 weeks and meet twice a week to conference about the reading and to complete their jobs, such as summarizer, discussion leader, word wizzard etc. This will end with a culminating task. We are still looking at parts of speech and have finished learning about alliteration.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend!

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